Thursday, October 23, 2008

in 9 days i am leaving on yet another trip of a lifetime.......this time with my mom.  how lucky is that?  we're off to bhutan to visit some really amazing friends of mine.  i can't wait to show her the beauty of this part of the world and the incredible people that live there.  we are going to ramble a bit around india and then meet up with sky in tokyo.

as always, i'm a little sad to leave home, but the beauty of the world and it's people is something that i wish everyone could experience......we are all the same, no matter what the color of our skin is or the languages that we speak.....a smile is a smile and this time i'm setting out with my video camera!  so prepare for something interesting.  video is a new challenge for me, but one i've taken up with a passion.  

every time i go away,  i am hit by this process of re-evaluating my life and being very thankful. for the last week or so i have been going over my place in this world and what that means. today i was thinking about my family and how far we have all come.  for so many years we were stuck in this unhappy and very sad place, but we all rolled with it and perservered.....we just allowed time to move along and kept making self improvements.  today, i look at my family and see this really happy group of open-minded people who are more giving and caring than i can even believe.  we don't regret our mistakes, we learn from them.  we don't live in the past, we acknowledge it, accept it and move on to new and better things.  they make me proud to be their family.  the other day my auntie called and i just about cried when i heard her voice....her voice sounded so happy.....

and i want to say a big thank you to tanya.....your energy always moves me and your damn right we could make a great movie!!!

life is pretty good here in pam's world!!!  i'm going to leave you all with a quote that sums up my thoughts today.....

when you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds:  your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world.  dormant forces, facilties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.....patanjali


Tanya said...

Pam the Ham!! So good to see you with a blog, FINALLY! And you are such a determined little go-getter, I didn't even have to teach you one damn thing about it! You rock! Great thoughts. Don't forget to post pictures--people love pictures! xoxo T

digital-shangrila said... first comment!!! i am learning the pix thing.....soon come!! thanks for inspiring me to blog...i'm easing my way into it.....tomorrow the ranting begins!