Friday, October 31, 2008

early here in shangrila....

since today is my second last day in canada, i thought that i should make use of my computer. plus i have 2 days of insanity on an airplane completely cut off from the world so now is the time for communication.

i have had the most awesome week, everything that could go right, has gone right.  i'm slowly getting stuff done, i've even organized my flight info into a daytimer and booked our room in tokyo!!  and i've been spending lots of time with friends.  i've been able to go for tea, meet friends for lunch, drive sky to school and actually have the time to listen to her talk about what's on her mind....we rarely ever have morning chaos!  i love it!

i got the first criticism of my blogging yesterday!  apparently i meander.....guilty as charged! anyone who knows me, knows that i tend to ramble on!!   my mind churns out about 5 million thoughts per minute!!!  and for some reason i also feel the need to share!!! .......all of it!  i jump around from random thoughts to extreme senseless information rather frivolously!  but i have fun and i do have a vast array of fascinating facts and figures!!!  my adventurous little brain continues to explore........

i also really like this whole idea of blogging.  i also think that it is rather anal and vain! NNOOO
i'm just kidding!  i like that the blogger just represents the ideas of average, everyday person.  i don't have to hold a doctorate, a university education, a position in parliament or be a famous actress.  and their are a lots of average people with fascinating thoughts and ideas and we are under-represented even though we are the majority!  i love the internet, it has allowed so many people to share stories and to tell of things that just weren't getting heard.  and blogging seems like an interesting idea.  i feel  like we are on a communications revolution.  i can now read someone's story about life in a small village in central africa, and i can understand their story.  

i also like the way bloggers don't have to follow some boring, prescribed writing method.  i think that formatted style has it's place, but it is so nice just to hear stories spoken from the soul.  i think that this is why i favor documentaries as well.  real life provides such intensity! people everywhere have such incredible stories!  my dream is..........documentaries.  i'm just putting this out there so that it is out there.  my new goal is to make a documentary.  i love everything about it.  i love researching people and places and hearing people talk and seeing their expressions.  i love asking questions.  people just blow my mind.....all kinds of people.  i'm doing it dammit and now that i've blogged it, it is set in stone!

and i also love the editing process, i used to be pretty unfamiliar with the whole idea of editing, but man i love it!  it leaves me in awe that 5 different people could take one hour of tape and make 5 completely different stories!!!  perspective!

i'm off soon to get more stuff done, but i do need to make one small ramble..........i have been hooking up with some old high school friends and it sooths my soul.  i love these 4 girls......krista, julie, kim and colleen.  we went through our early life together including the crazy teenage years!  oh man! i was such a bad ass.  i'm glad they still like me  ;0    but i just want to give them a big shoutout and i'm so happy to know them after all these years and that we could gather and be so different but fall right back into talking and laughing  and really, really knowing each other!  xoxoxoxoxo

btw.....i am the courtney love of blogging......go read her blog, her meandering even makes me crazy!!!

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