along the montaine traverse. it was a beautiful cooler and windy day. the perfect day for taking a nice run through the mountains, except......... some lady actually made a point of stopping me, getting off her bike!! and then proceeded to fill me in on the dangers of wearing an ipod and being in nature?????? oh there are so many bears and cats out here!!! wtf???? true as that may be, it's my fucking choice!!! and get this and this is for reeaalzz. i was, your fucking dog is off leash!! have you not heard about that, or let me guess, you have the one fucking dog (like all dog owners seem to think) that doesn't chase wildlife? she never apologized, continued to criticize and put her dog on leash. i know what, don't bother putting it on leash, cause i really don't care, just like you shouldn't care about my ipod you stupid, stupid bitch! bah!!!!!!!!
ok, i'm sick of canmore again and am going to forget about my pledge to not travel this winter! fuck that! fuck you to all the anal people that are moving here!!!!! i am going to find the most chaotic, mother fucking dangerous, hedonistic place to go to this winter and plunk myself down in the middle of it and cause a bar brawl!!!!! maybe say......riyadh in a bikini....perhaps the niger delta in nigeria holding a 'royal dutch shell sucks' sign....who knows!
12 years ago
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